"The blend of tutors and insights from those attending and the excellent web materials that were shared really gave me a boost and lots of new directions to go with my learner." -Quote from a tutor about a recent gathering.
Tutors for LEARN English take great satisfaction in helping community members who speak English but have poor reading and writing skills or people who speak languages other than English and want to learn English. We at LEARN English are always eager to expand our pool of tutors!
Tutors are at least 18 years old and have a good command of the English language and are patient and respectful. They receive seven hours of free training in the use of professionally developed teaching methods. Prior teaching experience is NOT required! Tutors can discuss their successes and challenges with each other and get input from reading specialists on teaching methods as needed.
The LEARN English program coordinator pairs a tutor with a learner and informs tutors of the learner's needs.
A tutor meets with a learner at a mutually convenient time and public place for two hours a week. Libraries make good meeting places.
See our FAQ Page for more information about tutoring.
Tutor training is an essential event at LEARN English and Reading Now, Inc., and it takes place at least four times a year. To enroll in tutor training, call the LEARN English office at 540-256-2673, e-mail us at learnva@gmail.com, or fill out the Tutor Interest Form below. The $25 suggested donation helps LEARN English to continue to provide no cost materials and instruction to our learners.